• Pan, Victor Junnan, Mamoru Saito and Yuqiao Du (2024). Workspace, MERGE, and Labelling, The Linguistic Review, volume 41, issue 1. (Co-edited volume of special issue)
• Li, Xiangyu, Zetao Xu, Yuqiao Du, Chenghao Hu, Zhongyang Yu, Zhuo Chen, Victor Junnan Pan (2024). Proceedings of the 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV), Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Open Access)
• Du, Yuqiao, Zhuo Chen, Xiangyu Li, Zetao Xu and Victor Junnan Pan (2022). Proceedings of the 13th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIII) 2022 Online Special, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Open Access)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2022/2019). Architecture of The Periphery in Chinese: Cartography and Minimalism, Routledge Studies on Chinese Linguistics, London/New York: Routledge. 245 pages. (2022 Paperback, 1st edition, ISBN 9781032401683; 2019 Hardback, e-book, 1st edition, https://www.routledge.com/The-Architecture-of-Periphery-in-Chinese-Cartography-and-Minimalism/Pan/p/book/9781138068186)
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Waltraud Paul (2018). The syntax of complex sentences in Chinese, Linguistic Analysis, volume 42, issue 1-2. (Co-edited volume of special issue)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2017). La syntaxe du chinois: une perspective comparative, Collection Études Linguistiques, Arras: Artois Presses Université. 325 pages. (Written in French)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2016). Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Account, Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs (TiLSM), vol. 298, Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 310 pages.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2016). La résomptivité en chinois mandarin dans le programme minimaliste, Collection Domaines étrangers et langues de France, Limoges: Lambert-Lucas. 230 pages. (Written in French)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2011). Interrogatives et quantification en chinois mandarin: une approche générative, Collection Rivages Linguistiques, Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 250 pages. (Written in French)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (To appear). Copy and Move: Motivation and Derivation, The Cambridge Handbook of The Minimalist Program, Kleanthes K. Grohmann and Evelina Leivada (eds.), Cambridge University Press.
• Li, Xiangyu and Victor Junnan Pan (To appear). Labeling Nominal Phrases in Mandarin Chinese, Linguistic Variation.
• 潘俊楠 杜雨橋 (2024). 工作空間定義下合併的最新發展, 當代語言學 (Contemporary Linguistics), volume 26, no. 6, 842-859. (CSSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Yuqiao Du (2024). A multi-dimensional derivation model under the free-MERGE system: labor division between syntax and the C-I interface, The Linguistic Review, volume 41, issue 1, 85-117. (SSCI) (Open Access)
• Pan, Victor Junnan, Mamoru Saito and Yuqiao Du (2024). Introduction: workspace, MERGE and labelling, The Linguistic Review, volume 41, issue 1, 1-5. (SSCI) (Open Access)
• Lee, Tommy Tsz-Ming and Victor Junnan Pan (2024). Licensing VP movement and ellipsis in Mandarin and Cantonese, Proceedings of The 40th Meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 40), Jiayi Lu, Erika Petersen, Anissa Zaitsu, and Boris Harizanov (eds.), Stanford University, 192-201, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. (http://www.lingref.com/cpp/wccfl/40/index.html)
• Du, Yuqiao (2024). Double Sideward Movement is Form-Sequence: Japanese Surprising Constituents. in Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL17), Edited by Erdene-Ochir Tumen-Ochir, Julia Sinitsyna, and Shigeru Miyagawa, MIT working papers on linguistics, 57-68.
• Xu, Zetao and Victor Junnan Pan (2023). A case of pseudo-optionality as a consequence of language contact, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, volume LXVIII, issue 3, 285-299. (Open Access)
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Chang Liu (2023). Focus constructions involving shì in Mandarin Chinese, Languages, volume 8, issue 2, 103. (Open Access)
• Li, Xiangyu and Victor Junnan Pan (2023). [How to Label via Feature-Sharing: Case of Nominal Structures in Chinese], 2022 Linearization – Proceedings of the 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Tae Sik Kim & Jungu Kang (eds.), The Korean Generative Grammar Circle, Seoul: Hankook Munhwasa, 82-97.
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Yihe Jiao (2023). Object-Fronting in Archaic Chinese, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Mark Aronoff et al. (eds.), Oxford University Press.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2023). [Quantification and wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese], Chinese Linguistics in Rome, Linda Badan and Chiara Romagnoli (eds.), [Collection des Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale], CRLAO, EHESS, 93-132.
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Bin Zhu (2023). On the Syntax of Causal Clauses in Mandarin Chinese, On the Variation of Causal Clauses, Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck (eds.), [Studies in Language Companion Series], John Benjamins, 221-249.
• Xu, Zetao (2023). Labeling Mandarin ditransitives, 2022 Linearization – Proceedings of the 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Tae Sik Kim & Jungu Kang (eds.), The Korean Generative Grammar Circle, Seoul: Hankook Munhwasa, 245-260.
• Xu, Zetao (2023). The syntactic hierarchy of Mandarin wh-adjunts, In Chien-Jer Charles Lin, Alex Cherici, & Bihua Chen (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-34), 1-21.
• 潘俊楠 徐澤韜 (2022). [現代漢語疑問詞的句法層級再探 (On the Syntactic Hierarchy of Wh-words in Mandarin Chinese)], 語言學論叢 (Essays on Linguistics), volume 1, 100-124. (CSSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2022). Deriving Head-Final Order in the Peripheral Domain of Chinese, Linguistic Inquiry, volume 53, issue 1, 121-154. (SSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2022). Resumption in Chinese, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Mark Aronoff et al. (eds.), Oxford University Press.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2022). Sentence Final Particle in Chinese, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Mark Aronoff et al. (eds.), Oxford University Press.
• Choi, Jiyoung, Huy Linh Dao, Victor Junnan Pan, and Sumikazu Nishio (2021). [Interfaces morphosyntaxe-sémantique-prosodie: étude des mots interrogatifs en chinois, coréen, japonais et vietnamien], Études de linguistique appliquée, volume 204, 451-465.
• 潘俊楠 (2020). 漢語A’-型依存結構在最簡方案下的句法推導 (Minimalist Derivation of A’-dependency in Chinese), 當代語言學 (Contemporary Linguistics), volume 22, no. 2, 159-181. (CSSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2020). [Ambiguïté des syntagmes interrogatifs en chinois mandarin], 法语国家与地区汉语教育研究(第一辑), Z. Yang & A. Arslangul (eds.), 北京语言大学出版社 [Beijing Language and Cultural University Press], 202-217.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2019). Derivation of the Apparent Narrow Scope of Sentence-Final Particles in Chinese: A Reply to Erlewine (2017), Studies in Chinese Linguistics, volume 39, issue 2, 99-126. (CSSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2019). System repairing strategy at interface: Wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese, Interface in Grammar, Jianhua Hu & Haihua Pan (eds.), [Language Faculty and Beyond (LFAB)], John Benjamins, 133-166.
• Paul, Waltraud and Victor Junnan Pan (2018). Introduction, The syntax of complex sentences in Chinese. Special issue, Linguistic Analysis, volume 42, issue 1-2, 1-16.
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Waltraud Paul (2018). The syntax of complex sentences in Mandarin Chinese: A comprehensive overview and analyses, The syntax of complex sentences in Chinese. Special issue, Linguistic Analysis, volume 42, issue 1-2, 63-161.
• 潘俊楠 (2018). [最簡方案下的標籤理論 (Labeling in the Minimalist Program)], 語言學研究 (Linguistic Research), volume 25, 5-15.
• Fernandez-Vest, M.M. Jocelyne, Marri Amon, Karl-Erland Gadelii, Victor Junnan Pan, Jirasak Achariyayos and Danh-Thàn Do-Hurinville (2017). Information structuring of dialogic pairs from a cross-linguistic perspective: Evidence from some European and Asian languages, Language Typology and Universals (STUF), volume 70, issue 3, 391-453. (SSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2017). [Phasal Agree as Precondition on Multiple Transfers: Evidence From A-bar Dependency in Chinese], 2017 The Syntax-Morphology Interface in Generative Grammar: Proceedings of The 19th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Changguk Yim (eds.), The Korean Generative Grammar Circle, 261-276.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2017). [Optional projections in the left-periphery in Mandarin Chinese], Studies on Syntactic Cartography (《句法制图理论研究》[Jùfǎ zhìtú lǐlùn yánjīu]), Fuzhen Si (eds.), 北京: 中国社会科学出版社 (Zhōngguó shèhuì chūbǎnshè) [China Social Sciences Press], 216-248.
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Waltraud Paul (2017). What you see is what you get: Chinese sentence-final particles as head-final complementisers, Discourse Particles – Formal Approaches to their Syntax and Semantics, J. Bayer & V. Struckmeier (eds.), [Linguistiche Arbeiten], Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 49-77.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2016). Resumptivity and Two Types of A’-dependencies in Minimalist Program, International Journal of Chinese Linguistics (IJChL), volume 3, issue 1, 46-79.
• Pan, Victor Junnan and Waltraud Paul (2016). Why Chinese SFPs are neither optional nor disjunctors, Lingua, volume 170, 23-34. (SSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2015). Mandarin Peripheral Construals at Syntax-Discourse Interface, The Linguistic Review, volume 32, issue 4, 819-868. (SSCI)
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2015). Prosodic Licensing of Wh-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese, Proceedings of The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Tao, Hongyin et al. (eds.), University of California, Los Angeles, 305-321.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2015). Syntactic and Prosodic Marking of Contrastiveness in Spoken Chinese, Information Structuring of Spoken Language from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Fernandez-Vest, M.M. Jocelyne & Van Valin, Robert D. Jr. (eds.), [Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, TILSM 283], Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter, 191-210.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2014). Wh-ex-situ in Chinese: Mapping Between Information Structure and Split CP, Linguistic Analysis, volume 39, issues 3-4, 371-413.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2014). [Deriving Special Questions in Mandarin Chinese: A Comparative Study], 2014 Comparative Syntax: Proceedings of The 16th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Jong-Un Park and Il-Jae Lee (eds.), The Korean Generative Grammar Circle, 349-368.
• Pan, Victor Junnan (2011). ATB-topicalization in Mandarin Chinese: an Intersective Operator Analysis, Linguistic Analysis, volume 37, issues 1-2, 231-272.