Prof Victor Junnan Pan was invited to give a talk entitled “Free MERGE under SMT: derivation with Multiple Dimensions and Parallel Workspaces” (Video link starting from 2:13:45)) at The Syntax and Semantics Workshop of the annual conference of The Society of Modern Grammar (SMOG) held at Andong University in South Korea from August 19 to 21 in 2024. He and his long-acquainted peer syntactician friends had a reunion during the conference period.
PhD candidate Steven Zetao Xu under the CUHK Provost’s Strategic Allocation of Centrally-funded RPg Places – International Joint Supervision of PhD Students scheme with his two joint-supervisors, Prof Victor Pan and Prof Roberta D’Alessandro from Utrecht University, Netherlands. This is their first off-line meeting.
The former and the current members of the MiniSyn team of the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (LLF)-UMR 7110 of the Université Paris-Diderot-Paris 7 (now known as Université Paris Cité), Prof Caterina Donati, Prof Victor Pan, Dr Yiqin Qiu, Dr Jiaying Huang and Ruoxuan Li, gathered together (after almost 7 years) at The 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV) in Hong Kong.
The former members of the syntax team of University of Nantes, now known as Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes (LLING)-UMR 6310, Prof Hamida Demirdache (lab director), Prof Hongyuan Sun and Prof Victor Pan, gathered together (after almost 17 years) at The 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV) in Hong Kong.
The special issue: “Workspace, MERGE and Labelling” of The Linguistic Review (Volume 41, Issue 1) co-edited by Prof. Victor Junnan PAN, Prof. Mamoru SAITO and Ph.D. candidate Yuqiao DU is now available on The introduction section “Introduction: workspace, MERGE and labelling” by Prof. PAN, Prof. SAITO and Mr. DU is also available on